A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Terry Greene (@terrygreene)

Number of views: 183

I do find it kind of funny that in going through all the steps of the design thinking process spit out (for me) the solution of using a folder as the technological solution. Maybe next time I give it a go, I’ll find out I need an overhead projector or an email! It’s a very simple solution, and it’s certainly not elegant, but it seems to do the trick. I even imagine the learners who I presented the idea to earlier this week saw what I was doing with it and simply thought “oh yeah I should save and download the stuff I need to work on on the flight” and not even use the folder template I provided. That’s totally cool with me. I think it still means I’ve shown them that there is something they can do to lower the stress level of keeping up while traveling and also maybe it’s nice that they know that I’m trying to empathize with them and be flexible and helpful… You know, like trying to facilitate their learning, which is the name of their course!


I started by simply making a folder for each course. This had the added benefit of reminding me of all the other work they are doing other than my course! And then in each folder I put two more folders. One for things to read and watch… chapters of their e-text, text from their modules, class recordings from Stream etc and the other for things to do. This acts as a reminder to grab any assignment instructions for upcoming projects. You wouldn’t want to plan to do the work only to find that you don’t have the instructions on what work to do!


As I’m writing this I realize that I never checked and I’m basing this all on old ideas of what a plane ride is like…. Do they have wifi on flights? If so, maybe it is still helpful as a planning device for getting work done on the plane regardless. I don’t think I am winning the Pulitzer for best technological learning activity any time soon lol! Ok I just checked. Sounds like it’s hit or miss and you often don’t have wifi on flights unless you pay extra. Phew!

Anyway! After I had the basic set up, of folders in folders, I set about creating a single Word doc that includes instructions for how to fill the folders to their potential. It walks the learners through getting the folders, filling them up, and downloading for offline accessibility. As mentioned, I did show this to my students already. This would definitely have been more helpful if offered earlier in the term, as many have already made the trip, so I think I will ask the learners what they think of it, revise it from that feedback, and offer it up early in the term when I teach the course again next semester (as planned).

Without further ado, here is a look at the folder itself!

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