Engaging Students with APA
I have done a lot of reading on the Scholarship of Teaching in the past as part my Masters in Ed but it was good to review it and see it from more of a research perspective. I have so many questions to answer and decided to focus on APA, mainly because I was reviewing assignments today and there were lots of issues with APA.
I did some research and found the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CJSoTL) which has so many interesting articles. The one that I based my project on as I think I could build on it or just use it in constructing my next venture into teaching APA – it was a small study and here is the link: (https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/cjsotl_rcacea/article/view/8176/6678)
At the beginning, I was a bit overwhelmed but when I found this article, I realized the importance of building on exiting literature and approaches. The prior research I would need to conduct is to look at how APA is delivered typically and also read more about self determination theory. I would also need to review the how to construct surveys and analyze student work.
I think this project could on a small scale be something that guides my teaching of APA in the classroom and I could present my experience anecdotally at conferences, blogs etc. I think this would be quite a worthwhile undertaking as to carry out as a real project to really see if the results found in this smaller study were similar.
I have added a link to a picture with an arrow because I intend to move forward with this idea in my classroom setting this semester.
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