Experimenter Reflection
The three activities I chose were:
- GIFs: I made a “Welcome to the Course” Gif using pictures from Unsplash that were put into a PowerPoint slide and turned into a Gif using the ‘ScreentoGIF’ software. I choose this because I had wanted to make my course shell more inviting and thought this was a fun way to do so. ScreentoGIF is fiddly and takes some time to learn but I think it is very useful. https://bank.ecampusontario.ca/response/welcome-to-the-course/
- H5p: I use H5p all the time. It is not new to me but making an interactive video was. I had found this Heineken Intern Video and wanted to use it in my class and make it interactive for our online format. This is why I chose to use the interactive video feature of H5p. https://bank.ecampusontario.ca/response/preparing-for-an-interview-the-heineken-way/
- Infographics: I chose to use Canva, to develop this visual as the infographic provides a quick, easy and visual answer to a very very common question. https://bank.ecampusontario.ca/response/ielts-v-toefl-infographic/
I use technology a lot and am always experimenting so this module was very easy for me. I think the 3 things that I have learned are:
- Curating – I find that I love doing this stuff and so can get carried away and forget about why I am doing it. It is important to only include technology when it is valuable and has purpose in your teaching
- Time: It is time consuming to learn new skills and develop this type of content.
- Accessibility: Need to make sure all students can access this type of content.
I completed the infographic using my phone and the Canva app. I will not be doing this again. It is very hard with such a small screen! There are some apps that are great for phones – Menimenter, Kahoot etc but anything that requires a design element, for me that phone has no advantages. If I was planning an assignment that was to be completed using a tablet or a smartphone, I would be inclined to have the students record themselves speaking as opposed to having to navigate typing. They could choose voice only or have a camera on. The file could then be uploaded as an MP4 file. To ensure accessibility, there would also have to be a written option. students.
Please see the attached for my video on H5P.
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