“It’s Alive!”

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Bert Slessor (@BS)

Number of views: 218

This last task took me in a slightly different direction than planned.  My goal was to demonstrate how I might change part of my course to an interactive book through H5P.  But when I finally got into the actual work, it really didn’t fit what I originally envisioned.  So instead of thinking of creating an interactive book, I looked at elements of my course that I could make more engaging without blowing my “time and energy” budget.

I decided to create a multiple hotspot image using H5P to adapt my introductions and overview of course content for week one.  And in the process of demonstrating what I had done, I also experimented with Google Sites to convey my learner challenge context, my process for empathizing with my learners, and steps for implementation.  All-in-all, I feel like I learned a lot about the planning process and how important it is to be conscious of my learners, what they think, feel, and experience around the content in my course and what their learning path truly looks like from their perspective.

Example for "“It’s Alive!”":

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