Padlet as Icebreaker in Online Learning

A response to the Padlet Padlet Activity
created by Mona Brennan-Coles (@MonaBC)

Number of views: 309

This semester, the program I am teaching in has two sections.  I am teaching Project Leadership & Management and Project Procurement to both sections.  In the past, I have used a discussion forum in our Learning Management System so that the students and I can introduce ourselves.   My introduction is available as soon as the course materials are available.   I used audio in my introduction for two reasons — so that they could hear my voice and I could share more in a smaller space.  I respond to each of their introductions.

Only a few of the approximately 60 students are only taking one of these courses.  So using Padlet means the students only have to introduce themselves once instead of twice.

This is the fourth semester of online learning for classes that would be in the classroom in non-pandemic times.  Being online means that getting to know each other takes more effort because we don’t have the informal opportunities to get to know each other e.g. chatting on our way to and from classes — something that they are missing as evidenced by their self-reflections in the Leadership course over the last three semesters.

I have a attached a screen shot of the introduction Padlet with identifying information redacted to protect the student’s privacy.  I am hopeful more students will participate even though it is not mandatory.  I encourage participation during classes and weekly course announcements.

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