WIIFM Preparing a Professional Portfolio

A response to the WIIFM Activity
created by Karen Burns (@karen.burns)

Number of views: 274

Students in my class are required to prepare a professional portfolio that showcases all their work and achievements.  This is completed in first semester and some students feel that they do not have enough to contribute.  Others feel that they would never use a portfolio in an interview.  The following is a list of reasons that I could use to motivate students to complete this assignment

  • Students attend an interview for their placement in the first year. Collecting their artifacts and organizing them in a professional manner will help the student to prepare for their placement interview
  • When you start putting together your artifacts, you may realize that you have more to offer than you originally thought
  • This will also give you an opportunity to identify areas where your experience is lacking, and you can work towards filling those gaps
  • A great way to keep all your documents in one place and readily available
  • It could help guide you during an interview. Not all people are great at talking about themselves, especially in an interview situation.  The portfolio will help to supplement your verbal discussion
  • You could use it during an interview to showcase your work or talent
  • During an interview, you need something that will make you stand out from the other candidates. A portfolio could be that something

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