The Collaborative Dining Table #CTN Remote Field Placement

A response to the The Collaborative Dining Table Activity
created by Jennifer Shelswell (@Jennifer.Shelswell)

Number of views: 258

In the Winter semester of 2021, I facilitated a #CTN remote field placement for the second year Early Childhood Education students. For this placement, I collaborated with several colleagues as we designed and implemented this online placement. This placement was a success because of the amazing team of people that made it happen. We all brought unique skills to the table.

Jenn Shelswell (Me) – Faculty Lead and Student Mentor.

Laura Koza – Workshop Facilitator, Faulty Mentor, & Facilitator for CoP 1.0 & CoP #CTN.

Tracey Mitchell-Ashley – Centre for Teaching & Learning Faculty Developer – Facilitator for CoP 1.0 & CoP #CTN.

Nicole Norris – Center for Changemaking & Social Innovation Manager & Designed UN Goal 4 badge for students.

Deb Bumstead – ECED Program Coordinator met for weekly check-ins with faculty.

Heather Hill – Met for weekly check-ins with faculty.

Vicki Ball – Managed meetings and Eventbrite requests for Changemaker in Residency Week.

Adam Dagenais – Technical support and on-loaded students into Teams, Mural, and the #CTN portal.

Khulood Agha Khan – shared resources around human-centered design thinking.

Students – Collaborated with their peers, faculty, mentor, and facilitators to have a successful placement experience.

We communicated via Microsoft Teams meeting, WebEx, & Zoom. Teams ended up being my preferred way of meeting, as it had the option for closed captioning, which WebEx and Zoom initially did not have. I advocated for this, and we were able to get closed captioning on Zoom as well. I also like Teams because I could just between meetings with the students, track their meeting times, and view files that they were working on.

The types of people that work well for me are ones that have a growth mindset, are empathetic, and enjoy sharing knowledge and collaborating.

I don’t feel like there was anything missing from the table. I felt like we all worked well as a team, and our ongoing communication made this experience very positive.

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