Padlet – Music books

A response to the Padlet Padlet Activity
created by Maria Romios (@MariaR)

Number of views: 261

This was my favourite activity from the Experimenter module. I found Padlet very easy to understand and navigate. I chose to demonstrate a collection of books related to music. I think this would be very valuable in a course to give students a starting point for research or optional reading material beyond what is required for the course. This could also be interactive, as students can also add to this and include books or articles they have found in the research process. Sharing resources in this visual way is much more engaging than looking at a list on a document.

In one of the classes I was a TA for last year, we used Padlet to create a collection of songs which were generated by students in their tutorial groups to share as an intro to the lectures. This was not graded, instead it was a fun completely optional way to interact as a group. Everyone enjoyed and participated in the creation of the playlist together and I think this aided in creating a stronger community of practice. This was my first time using Padlet as a creator, and I really enjoyed it and would use it again in the future. The only downside is on the free account I can only host 3 Padlets, so previous ones need to be deleted.

Example for "Padlet – Music books":

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