CRAAP test – Duolingo

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Maria Romios (@MariaR)

Number of views: 251

For this activity I found several resources which would aid in learning Spanish. I wanted to use more creative resources from different mediums instead of just articles; so originally I picked a podcast on iTunes (5 Minute Spanish), YouTube videos (Coffee Break Spanish – To Go) and Duolingo – an online game-like language learning tool. I chose to use the CRAAP test on Duolingo because it is a resource that I currently use and would recommend for anyone looking to learn or brush up on a second+ language.

Administering the CRAAP test made me think about Duolingo in a new way, and I realized it is MORE effective than I had previously imagined. In order to answer some of the sections, I had to do some research into Duolingo as a company and its history. I learned there is a resource section to demonstrate the effectiveness of the type of learning Duolingo offers online. I knew it was effective from my personal experience, but it was reassuring to see there was also science behind this!

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