The Awards Collaborative Dining Table

A response to the The Collaborative Dining Table Activity
created by Mary Dancey (@Mary Dancey)

Number of views: 166

The Awards Collaborative Dining Table

The Awards Committee Volunteers were all peers so mostly we were on the same page as to how the awards categories, entries and judging would be handled.

The Awards Judges while mostly peers also came from outside of our discipline as they also included product suppliers, educators, interior designers and other affiliate members. Sometimes there was a disconnect in the judging process but over all it worked. Procedures were put into place to ensure that the judging was as fair as possible by creating a judging rubric.

Once we had a couple of years working together the Office Staff had a good understanding of the procedures we had put into place and things mostly ran rather well. Communication was and continues to be key.

A change in Gala Committee members saw drastic changes, for the better, in how the Awards Gala ran. and for the most part the Awards committee was no longer involved in the planning which left more time and resources to work on the awards themselves.

The past two years also saw the removal of the Awards Committee approaching the affiliates for sponsorship which allowed more time to do what we did best. 😊

The Awards Committee was in direct contact with the Trophy shop for continuity of product and services.

Email and in person/zoom works best for the Awards Committee.  Email allows us to reply when it is convenient and in person or zoom meeting allow us to decide on items quickly.

On of the problems with volunteer committees is that volunteers come and go, some put in a great effort and truly want to contribute while others want to say they are volunteers while contributing next to nothing.  Sometimes it takes a season to weed these people out so then you are left starting over again, in search of that near perfect volunteer who is going to compliment the group already in place. It always ebbs and flows and by the time the Gala has arrived everything has worked out just fine.

I like to work with people who first listen, identify areas that could be improved, then make suggestions or take on a task and make the necessary improvements and then present these to the committee. I like processes but am not always good at developing them so a well-rounded group all bringing their own set up expertise is ideal.

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