It’s Alive – Digital Images

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Maria Romios (@MariaR)

Number of views: 224

I wanted to use digital images because I find it is the most accessible and easiest way of integrating technology into a course. Personally, I have enjoyed using digital images the most out of all activities from Ontario Extend. I think students’ would find this activity fairly simple, though it would stimulate their imagination to think about the definition with visual accompaniment – hopefully creating a stronger connection in their memory. Using websites like is also useful to them as creators. Musicians regularly need visual accompaniment for show posters, music releases and online promotion in general in their music career.

This would also lend itself to each student giving a mini-presentation in a collaborative class where they could all share their definitions and then post on Padlet in order to study from later. Because my learner challenge was identified as ‘terms, definitions, vocabulary in musical analysis’ this is a fun way of getting students to think about the definitions more profoundly and having them connect an image to it, instead of just memorizing verbally. I think it would be beneficial for me to create a database from students image responses to help the next generations of students understand the terms as well.

I chose to demonstrate by showing the contrast of disjunct versus conjunct. These are commonly misunderstood terms in music. Conjunct means small stepwise motion in melodic lines, while disjunct means larger jumps within a melody. The birds in this example represent conjunct and the people at the crosswalk represent disjunct motion. I especially like how there are lines within the images which can represent the staff in music. I think though superficially these images may not be musical, when attached to a musical term they provide students’ with a new way to understand the vocabulary beyond written or verbal communication.

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