Like Driving a Car

A response to the Like Driving a Car Activity
created by Darby Anderson (@danderson)

Number of views: 178

Within the Work Integrated Learning discipline, Co-operative Education more specifically, there are numerous components to the machine in order for it to run effectively.  Students regularly underestimate the importance of a resume.  The resume is a marketing tool, therefore students need to understand the product (themselves) and the selling features in order to gain buyer attention.  Again, I often use the example of buying a cell phone, and what features they seek.  Students can quickly produce a comprehensive list of key components needed for a phone, but when I ask them to create a list of their selling features (Summary of Skills), the process seems daunting.

Creating a resume that will specifically target an occupation/industry requires students to understand what they have to offer.  To assess their unique strengths and skills that will bring value to the job.  Create a list of these particular strengths/skills – both soft & hard.  Write down as many ‘features’ as you can.  Then determine which of these strengths and skills are deemed valuable in their field of study, through careful examination of job descriptions, job postings and industry standards.  Students often struggle or resist activities/exercises that seek an introspective view.  Encouraging them to examine their value/benefit takes practice.

Example for "Like Driving a Car":

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