My teaching metaphor
I would consider my Teaching metaphor to be a gardener.
A student’s journey in a Program is like planting seeds in the soil and watching it grow into a tree in the years to come.
With the right soil, nourishment, temperature, support and care, like seedlings, the students can grow and evolve. At times we have to remove the dried leaves (past knowledge that is not relevant anymore) and make room for new leaves. There will be times where we will find some rot or weed (misconceptions on certain things due to past experiences) so that the rest of the plant does not get contaminated and die before reaching its maximum potential.
Once the plant becomes strong to stand on its own, it survives in the outdoors (like students would in the industry) based on its learning’s and capabilities. In time if it makes it through, it will get stronger by the years and help other plants grow below it (like our alumni would).
Photo by niko photos on Unsplash