Total Hip Replacement Resources

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Rachel Boorsma (@Rachel Boorsma)

Number of views: 128

  1. Case Study: Hip Joint Replacement (Wisc-Online) – found via OASIS
    2. Brings the student through a case study of a total hip replacement, as well as different adaptive equipment and different types of hip replacements. This would be great for my students as it relates itself well to what they would need to think about as OTA/PTAs, and is also interactive and fun. I had no idea that resources like this existed! It is still a teaching resource because it provides information on each, but it is succinct, has photos, and is engaging.
  2. Total Hip Replacement (Ortho Info) – found via Merlot
    2. This is a document that gives information about Total Hip Replacements, including basic overview, anatomy (which the students learn in the previous term), common causes (which brings in different diagnoses that the students likely learned this term), and home planning (which is very relevant to OTA/PTA). This is an American document, but because it’s about the actual diagnosis itself and not about the healthcare system. This would be great for my students as it links in with different areas of course content, and is a solid overview reference for anyone in the program who is not familiar with total hip replacements.
  3. OpenStax Anatomy & Physiology Online Textbook: 9.4 Synovial Joints
    2. We use the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology book in other courses, but I didn’t think to use it for my own course. The page on synovial joints is a great anatomy refresher for the students, and also has a few interactive links that they can view to see videos or other content. It’s another good overview, but also a resource that is intended for students to use, so it’s tailored to the correct audience.

I also just want to say, I went into this thinking I wanted resources for one thing, and through various searches, my terms and ideas morphed based on what I was seeing, and I ended up here (going from arthritis to hip replacement). I really liked what I was seeing for hip replacement, and it felt more relevant. Through searching, I found the terms that I wanted. I also used a lot of filters to be able to narrow down the results.

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