Misconceptions Equal Opportunities Response

Created by Marsha Appling-Nunez (@m.applingnunez), response for Misunderstood Activity

There are many great concepts in education. Unfortunately, we as educators realize (often with some resistance) that these concepts do not always fit perfectly into the teaching environment we are navigating. One misconception that I struggle with personally and professionally is that rooted in Prior Knowledge (PK). The all or nothing of it. Seems to more… »

Religion – Culture- Gods Response

Created by Shelley Clifford (@Shelley Clifford), response for Consider This Activity

I was looking for an image that would depict a different image of God then many North America students have. (a White Male on a Cross or with a Beard)  I wanted to showcase how different religions have different Gods or Dieties in an image.  As a Marketer we have to be conscious of not more… »