A Tool to Enact Change Response

Created by Johnryl Chu (@Chrono), response for Find Your Fit Activity

One of courses that I teach is about Innovation and Change Management, so I opted to use OASIS to perform a general search first, to find Open Educational Resources (OER). Fortunately, I found exactly what I was looking for in my first initial search, so I decided to just skip looking at the other referatories more… »

Technological Tool: Padlet Response

Created by Johnryl Chu (@Chrono), response for Learner Challenge Take 2 Activity

Since one of the courses, I teach is history, students normally find it lecture heavy and non-interactive. It is probably one of the courses that makes you imagine the traditional classroom whenever you think about it. With that said, I believe that by making use of Padlet, I can make the classroom experience less monotonous more… »