3 Keys

A response to the Three Keys of SoTL Activity
created by Gitanjali Shanbhag (@gshanbhag)

Number of views: 207

Attached is the screenshot for the Google Doc.

I’ve also pasted my 3 keys here:

  • Every class we teach is an experiment (Hypothesize-Teach-Test hypothesis-Close the loop). SoTL is when you use an inquiry based approach to test the hypothesis and close the loop.
  • It is important to make your learnings public (both positive and negative findings/learnings) – either informally or formally. This would be helpful to other educators who can learn and apply others’ learnings in their “hypothesize” phase, build on their existing knowledge and have meaningful conversations and connections.
  • SoTL involves thinking about your own questions along with students’ questions. It’s important to put learners first.