3 keys of SoTL

A response to the Three Keys of SoTL Activity
created by Jane Carr (@jscarr)

Number of views: 434

July 7th, 2021 Entry by Jane Carr

3 Key Characteristics of SoTL that I relate to from the perspective of an Electronics Technology Program:
Need to form focused questions about my hypothesis and approach to the subject and formulate the questions concerning student engagement
Take small steps and do not try to cover too much at once; reflecting and analyzing each step carefully
Network! Consult with peers and industry contacts and get feedback from the students
My Motivation:
-> Bring value to the learning process for my students
-> Make the learning experience exciting and real
-> Increase student satisfaction with program in general
-> Provide a point of connection for all pre-requisite courses and concurrent courses in order to validate the necessity of using pre-learning and concurrent learning at the same time, through a project-based course in order to create a course continuum for our program for both faculty and students
-> To better prepare my students for the real world