3 Keys to SoTL

A response to the Three Keys of SoTL Activity
created by Brandon Sabourin (@bsabou01)

Number of views: 142

Here is my response as posted in the Google Doc:

3 Keys to SoTL

  1. As mentioned by the first three or four speakers, SoTL is a systematic inquiry into teaching and learning
  2. Gary Poole’s idea about who is doing the work. With SoTL, the group involved grows. This can increase the impact of the work.
  3. Nancy Chick’s idea about the researcher using familiar methods rather than only those that suit the question. This is contested and can lead to “amateur” SoTL.


  • Make my teaching public. This includes both the teaching and learning activities, but also the behind the scenes development work and thinking.
  • Responding to unique students each time I teach.
  • Building a community that values SoTL and scholarly teaching at my institution.

NOTE: A screenshot of text is not an accessible way to share.