A Message About Equality

A response to the Consider This Activity
created by Johnryl Chu (@Chrono)

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The image depicts a person holding a very important message about diversity.

The image was found at Unsplash, the author is Matteo Paganelli. The license is “Free to use under the Unsplash License”.

For my Human Relations class, I believe that this image will better help my students understand a very important element in Cultural Awareness and Boundaries. The image shows clear distinction about people’s differences and how those differences can be beautiful instead of being seen as some obstacle or a negative. Furthermore, the image can be used to illustrate that everybody can bring something different to the table. It will help my students realize that immigrants should not be hired for cheap labour but should be hired because they can bring something unique, different, and new that can help the companies grow.

Normally, I usually just search using the MS Office integrated Bing search engine whenever I needed any graphics or images for my courses as it automatically will include the author and license. So, for this assessment, I wanted to try something new. I used unsplash and used the search word “equality”. Fortunately, what I needed appeared fairly quickly, so I did not need to use any Boolean search operators. Speaking of which, I never actually knew that you could use Boolean search operators outside of library databases or search engines, so knowing that It should help make my search in the future to be more accurate, precise and efficient.

I believe the image I have chose incorporate diversity and inclusion perfectly as the message of the image is for all ethnicity, gender, and culture. It speaks about a difficult topic that everyone should hear.