Assessing Online Resources Using CRAAP assessment

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Charlotte de Araujo (@cdearauj)

Number of views: 213

I used the Assessing Online Resources with CRAAP (H5P) to evaluate a resource (  I found on Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (Merlot).

I liked the organized format of the CRAAP test and appreciated the chance to try out this approach.

The information/video fits my target audience (undergraduate university students). I could also use this as an optional resource for introductory biology students or students enrolled in a biology course (for non-science students).  The information presented in the video is general for upper year students.

According to the site the material was last updated about a year ago, however as the material is general it would be useful.  This video would pass the CRAAP test. I have attached a link which contains a screenshot of my entry on the collaborative Padlet page.

Example for "Assessing Online Resources Using CRAAP assessment":