Collaborative Padlet: Entry Requirements for different countries

A response to the Padlet Padlet Activity
created by Haley Whitelaw (@hwhitelaw)

Number of views: 386

In the Flight Services: Geography & Travel Fundamentals class, geography is taught through the lens of tourism and specifically, as Canadian Passport Holders. We begin to examine the entry requirements and how to find the most up-to-date information for Canadian travelers. I begin the course with an introductory unit and created this collaborative Padlet for the students to log in and choose a country from the world map, then log the entry information pertaining to passport validity, visa requirements, etc. They can choose to add an image or link to video as well. I really enjoy Padlet in the online environment, to get everyone actively participating. I then embed the link to the course shell to refer back to later.

Example for "Collaborative Padlet: Entry Requirements for different countries":