Communication & APA Formatting OERs

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Jennifer Shelswell (@Jennifer.Shelswell)

Number of views: 320

For my Communication Essentials course, I cover information on APA 7th edition formatting, as well as an overview of interpersonal communication. I searched through all of the suggested refractories to see what might be available. I was successful in finding three OERs that I could potentially use in this course in the eCampusOntario Open Library, H5P, as well as OASIS.

  1. APA Style Citation Tutorial, 7th edition (eCampusOntario Open Library)

This tutorial would support the students understanding of APA format, as it covers the importance of using citations and it examples in detail how to create references and intext citations.

  1. Document formatting & in-text citation practice (eCampusOntario H5P Studio)

Created by Jen Booth, this interactive Course Presentation in H5P walks the students through how to create in-text citations in proper APA format, and the students also get a chance to practice their APA skills during this interactive experience.

  1. Interpersonal Communications Textbook (OASIS)

This textbook introduces interpersonal communication skills, along with other areas of communication, that could be beneficial in my introductory Communication Essentials course.

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