Consider This – eLearning

A response to the Consider This Activity
created by Angie Covey (@acovey)

Number of views: 345

The concept I chose was eLearning.  There are many ways you can thinking of eLearning, but I was looking for an image that showed it from the student’s side.  I wanted an image that displayed success, as well as a student enjoying it. I was also looking for an image of a young student, an image that I feel a lot of people could relate to if they had small children at home or taught online during the last 17 months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I went through many creative commons using Keywords: “eLearning” and “Homeschool” and I used the  Boolean operators “and”. I found that Unsplash had the best image that suited what I am looking for.

Image created: Unspash By Annie Spratt

License: Free to use under the Unsplash License

Example for "Consider This – eLearning":