Cornel Notes

A response to the Cornell Notes Activity
created by Kate MacIsaac (@kmacisaac)

Number of views: 599

I’ve tried Cornell notes before, but it has never stuck for me. I do like the idea for organization, particularly the summary at the end. There are a few things I think would help reinforce this type of notetaking in the classroom. The first is to teach students how to take notes and decipher what is important (lists, concepts that are repeated, concepts that are explained multiple ways, when the instructor says “this is important” or “this will be on the exam”).  The second (as stated in the course material) is to consistently allow time at the end of class for students to generate a summary and discuss it with others. I can see how this method would be helpful when it comes to studying, since students can focus on key points and summaries instead of everything they have documented in every class.

The TED talk I watched was Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: “The danger of a single story”