Cornell Notes

A response to the Cornell Notes Activity
created by melissa sulpher (@melissasulpher)

Number of views: 94

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Title: Rebecca Onie: What if our healthcare system kept us healthy?

Reflection: It’s been awhile since I’ve taken notes like this! I can see how this method could be very helpful to students (myself included) for processing information, and effectively curating the most important parts. I also see the value in teaching this skill to students, perhaps in steps. I feel like I made mistakes in this first effort (not being concise enough, not leaving enough space, not using lined paper), and more practice would make it more efficient and effective. As a first step for students to guide them, I think it might be helpful for the teacher to start with giving the students the left-hand column with key ideas, definitions, and dates. As the class passes, this could morph into just the headlines of the most important parts, and finally leave the students alone to complete the whole task.


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