Course concept: Autism Spectrum Disorder

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Gitanjali Shanbhag (@gshanbhag)

Number of views: 326

My course on mental health literacy is a first-year course and so the concepts are just introduced to students without going in too deep.


1) Podcast on Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder

The podcast provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder with a focus on definitions, diagnosis, causes and characteristics. This is helpful for my students as this is introductory information and that’s the goal of the course (to provide introductory info on mental health disorders).


2) Website: Autism Speaks I found the website using Mason OER that pointed me to


This website provides some great toolkits for people who live with ASD and for people who want to help others’ living with ASD. The website also provides some statistics and facts regarding prevalence of ASD in North America and in the world.


3) Website: (I found this one to be the best)

Found through Mason OER that took me to the Digital Public Library of America. The article is published by the National Institute of Health.

Autism fact sheet:


Example for "Course concept: Autism Spectrum Disorder":