Course Overhaul!
In speaking with students, I have identified that there are significant barriers which prevent students from engaging in classroom discussions. Students often feel self-conscious, unsure of the answers, or may simply be unprepared for class. In an attempt to overcome insecurities, I now use in my lectures which promotes anonymous student engagement. I have incorporated polling in my the first two lectures for my Winter course and will continue to develop the following lectures. Unfortunately I am unable to share the content without the presentation because Fleming’s plan only allows for live polling in lecture.
I am also working on designing my course shell using the BrightSpace 3.0 HTML Template and following principles of UDL. My hope is that students will feel more prepared and therefore empowered to engage with the in class discussions.
An image has been uploaded which compares and contracts my before and after course shell.
I plan to start storyboarding for my course podcast in February over reading week, to prepare for the spring semester.
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