CRAAP Assesment

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Marie Ritchie (@mritchie)

Number of views: 236


Resource Title:
Brene Brown “Dare to Lead”

Resource URL:

Currency: The timeliness of the information:
When was the resource published or posted?
Has the resource been revised or updated?
Does your topic require current information?
Are the links functional?

The link directs you to the author/researchers own website and an assessment used to generate discussion.

Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs
Does the resource relate to your needs?
Who is the intended audience?
Is the information in the resource at an appropriate level for your learners?

The resource/results are meant to be personal yet provide the context for an open discussion.

Authority: The source of the information
Who is the creator?
What are their credentials or organizational affiliations?
Are they qualified to write on this topic?

Brene Brown is a Phd researcher, author, and speaker.

Accuracy: The reliability and truthfulness of the information
Is the information supported by evidence?
Has the resource been reviewed or refereed?
Are there spelling, grammar, or typographical errors?

“Dare to Lead” is a latest work for the author/researcher.

Purpose: The reason the information exists
Why does this resource exist? (to inform, teach, sell, entertain, or persuade?)
Is the information fact, opinion, or propaganda?
Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases?

The resource exists to inform, teach, sell, entertain and persuade. Brene presents her research as the foundation for a personal exploration of what it means to be an authentic leader.

Notes: Are there additional questions or observations you have about this material that affect your decision to use it? (i.e. this is an opinion piece that I will use to demonstrate one side of an argument).
This work uses a foundation of qualitative and ethnographic research to distill thematic ideas about what it means to be an authentic leader.

Final Recommendation: Will you use this resource? Why or why not?
Yes. This is a good way to contextualize a discussion that is may be personal, philosophical, and is grounded in research.

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