CRAAP Reflection and Incorporation of OER into Courses

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Avinash Thadani (@athadani)

Number of views: 295

Applying the CRAAP test to the three OER was a very informative exercise. It is a process that I typically employ when evaluating all information but it has never been succinctly summarized as in this test. I will definitely be encouraging our students to employ this test when judging any body of content. My reflection to employing the CRAAP test to the three OER that I identified in the padlet is attached as a screenshot. My reflection on the use of these curated and validated OER (by the CRAAP test) in the courses that I facilitate can be found below.

I intend to immediately incorporate the OER related to ECG interpretation in the Pathophysiology course that I facilitate in the BScN nursing program at Georgian College. It is a module that directly fits into one of our learning units and fulfills a key learning outcome for the course. In the case of the Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) open textbook, I hope to slowly migrate all my pedagogical resources to being based on this open textbook. It is going to be a challenging endeavor as all the resources (e.g., slides, narrated videos, diagrams, etc) will have to be reworked. Nevertheless, I believe in the concept of open and co-learning and I am certain that the time, effort and commitment required for this migration will be eventually worthwhile. Lastly, for the OER related to the microbiology open textbook, I intend to utilize this resource (after further evaluation) to develop a new microbiology course as part of our proposed new curriculum. Given the fact that the course has yet to be developed, it is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate my commitment to open, collaborative learning by embracing an open textbook.

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