Cultivate Your PLN – LinkedIn

A response to the Cultivate Your PLN Activity
created by Jennifer Shelswell (@Jennifer.Shelswell)

Number of views: 263

I occasionally use Twitter, but during the past several months I have really started to develop my LinkedIn profile and connections. I have also taken advantage of the many LinkedIn Learning courses and Learning Paths that are offered, and I have made many connections through those courses as well. I am currently in the following Groups on LinkedIn:

  • Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI)
  • Leading During Times of Change – LinkedIn Learning
  • Georgian College Alumni

I have also requested to join the Georgian College and Global Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace groups. I do plan to check out Twitter more, and look into hashtags from the Higher Education Twitter Directory and the Education Chat Google calendar, as I am not as familiar with some of the suggested hashtags, and I am interested to learn more.

The picture that I found was on Pixabay. It demonstrates how I feel about my current personal learning network, and how much it has grown over the past year. I have connections now from all over the world. Even though I have not met many of these connections in a face to face setting (due to the pandemic, as well as some of my connections living in different countries) I feel a deep connection with them, as we have shared values and we are like-minded individuals. I feel very grateful to have the connections I now have, as I feel a sense of belonging from them all.

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