Delivering babies is like driving a car…

A response to the Like Driving a Car Activity
created by Ashley Lickers (@AshleyML)

Number of views: 128

In midwifery, caring for a labouring person requires specific skills in order to provide safe care, including but not limited to:

  1. knowing the normal ranges of adult vital signs such as blood pressure, temperature, respirations, and pulse.
  2. knowing the normal ranges of fetal heart rate.
  3. understanding the physiology of contractions.
  4. understanding the process of cervical changes.
  5. knowing the normal variability of labour.
  6. knowing the signs and symptoms of normal labour progression.
  7. knowing the cardinal movements of fetal descent.
  8. knowing the emergency skills to various labour and birth issues.
  9. caring for a birthing person in the immediate postpartum period.
  10. caring for the neonate in the immediate postpartum period.

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