Design your SoTL Project

A response to the Design Your SoTL Project Activity
created by Wendy Tseng (

Number of views: 238

Research Question

I am interested in the benefits of gamification in teaching and learning

Identify challenge/outcome related to learning  that is related to your question.

The creation to the game that fits the learning outcome. Encourage the engagement. It can be measured both through qualitative and quantitative methods.

Ethical consideration: equality & equity with the activity/outcome in comparison to the control group

Describe the instructional activity, assignment, or teaching strategy that will promote student learning on the outcome you identified.

Escape room as a learning and evaluation activity.

Describe the evidence that would persuade an external audience that the new or modified teaching strategy improves student learning on the targeted learning outcome.

Positive learning outcomes through both qualitative and quantitative data collection. Could be compared with the tradition OSCE.

How and where would you publish, present, or disseminate this work?

Lunch and learn regarding the findings


Adapted from: C. J. Stanny, E. M. El-Sheikh, & H-M. Chung (2009) Getting Started with a SoTL Project

Center for University Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Example for "Design your SoTL Project":

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