Diana Degan Holy Crapp! Activity

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Diana Degan (@dianadegan)

Number of views: 478

What a great name for an exercise! Certainly going to stick in my head. I couldn’t help thinking as I was doing this exercise that this is something that should be shared with my students. So often I think they need to really consider the resources they are using for their assignments. I noted the different videos for this exact reason. When we were asked to go in and apply the CRAAP test to our shared resource, realized that  I had already done that step as I was going through and choosing my OER selections. I didn’t pick anything that was going to be outdated and wouldn’t work for my students. A lot of the material was older. Or was a textbook that would “compete” with the one we had and is a huge component of our course. The resource I chose, Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing, offers more than 300 activities that I could use in my class and they are very specific, targeted by topic and concept. Really awesome!