Empathy Map –> Treatment Planning (Yayy!)

A response to the Empathy Map Activity
created by Rahul Mohla (@rmohla)

Number of views: 133

Please find attached an empathy map related to feedback I received from my learners for the treatment planning course. As can be gleaned, overall a very positive outlook on what otherwise can be an onerous course. Students did very well and made great leaps and bounds from the start to the end of the semester in solidifying their understanding with regards to physics. What is interesting about this feedback is for the most part the amount of positivity is pretty similar across a variety of courses (in conversation with my colleagues), including others that I teach. Even more interesting and probably not so surprising: students found the amount of content to be an issue! Nevertheless, changes will be made to the delivery of the course as we move forward. I will create another empathy map at the appropriate time and see how we have progressed the following year!