Experimenter Reflection

A response to the I’m an Experimenter! Activity
created by Baljeet Bilkhu (@bbilkhu)

Number of views: 135

I have chosen the following three activities for completion of the Experimenter module, namely: H5P, Mentimeter and Quizlet.  I have chosen these three as they offer a variety of activities and responses to engage the students – for instance, H5P and Quizlet are great when completing a particular topic and to see if students are able to grasp the concepts.  I chose Mentimeter as it has a great interface for conducting surveys.

Here are the links to all three:

Three overall lessons learned from experimenting with these activities:
  • Each tool has its own advantages / disadvantages – instructors can experiment with each to see which one would be most beneficial to student engagement.
  • It is critical to use a variety of tools rather than just relying on one as it could become monotonous for students and may not capture their engagement.
  • Having a multiple number of tools available for presentation can also overcome any technical issues related to availability of any of these tools – such that if one tool is not available, other tools can be used as a backup until it is restored.
I will be using each of the above mentioned tools going forward (I have been using H5P and Mentimeter before) in a more systematic approach when providing material to students to engage them and keep them engaged with the material.
I completed the Mentimeter activity on an iPhone.  The advantages of using such a mobile device is that they are ubiquitous as most (if not all) students now have a smartphone and can easily access the activity.  The one downside from using such a device is that due to the limited screen size, students may not be able to see all of the information there and may have to re-orient the devices.  To make such devices available to all students, there could be a sign-out process at the beginning of the class.

Example for "Experimenter Reflection":