Extend Activity #3 – Cornell Notes
TED Talk Video Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/julian_treasure_how_to_speak_so_that_people_want_to_listen?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
Using Cornell Notes to watch the TED Talk, “How to Speak so People Want to Listen”, by Julian Treasure, demonstrated the usefulness of this note-taking tool. Using Cornell Notes allowed me to organize the information from the video more systematically. I was able to easily identify and summarize key ideas from the video so that I could capture the most important information that was shared. Reviewing the material again at the bottom of the page to summarize the video reinforced the main learning objectives from the video, and I see how it will help students comprehend the content more.
After completing this activity, I see the benefits of teaching students to use tools, like Cornell Notes, to take more effective notes to aid in their comprehension, but also to help them study more effectively. I could do this by incorporating this type of activity into one of my term start-up classes to help prepare them for their academic term. Also, since taking notes is an important part of many jobs, teaching students the skill of effective note-taking aids them into their professional careers as well. Cornell Notes have proven to be a versatile and effective way to promote efficient learning and good note-taking practices.

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