Fact Checking OER – CRAAP Test

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Kymberly Ash (@kash)

Number of views: 141

I was not able to add a comment into Padlet as the site was too slow and ended up not working in the middle of my submission. I will include my comment in here instead so that it is recorded:

I used the CRAAP test to determine that the text (from 2017) uses outdated examples, but the overall content and best practices are still relevant. The author has created new materials (from 2021) that use more updated examples that I can incorporate as well. Overall, I find the CRAAP test to be a bit limiting in that it doesn’t ask reviewers to look outside of the source and read laterally. For example, we miss out on what others are saying about the resource or the author if we only look at the source for information.