False Memory

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Lynne Kennette (@LynneKennette)

Number of views: 350

I chose to curate content related to the psychology topic of memory. I really liked ASIS- I found it easy to use and liked that it included the license in the search items it returned. In aligning my curation with UDL, I include below multiple means of representation of essentially the same information:

This TED talk shows that memory is reconstructive, which often leads to instances of inaccurate recall. It is a talk by one of the prominent researchers in this area and has CC available. https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_loftus_how_reliable_is_your_memory?language=en

This book chapter from Noba is by Elizabeth Loftus as well: https://nobaproject.com//modules/eyewitness-testimony-and-memory-biases

The third way to represent the idea of false memory is to experience it in an experiment: http://www.mmlc.northwestern.edu/external/paller/memory-demo_content.html (note: this one uses Flash which is no longer supported by many browsers; I have a powerpoint based experiment I use with my students, but this one was OER which was the purpose of this curation)