Filmmaking Is like Driving a Car

A response to the Like Driving a Car Activity
created by Phillip McGregor (@PMcGregor)

Number of views: 171

In filmmaking, as in driving, before you set off you must decide what your destination is and what route you plan to follow. And just like driving, where you may have to make detours to avoid traffic or road closures, or even having to backtrack a way, in filmmaking you may have to change what you shoot because of time restrictions or money. You may even have to reshoot entire scenes! Keep your goal in mind, and you will reach you destination and have a film you can be proud of.
Also, like driving a car, where you should know how the controls work and keep on good terms with you mechanic, in filmmaking you should know how a camera works, the basics of lighting, and something about acting, that way you can communicate and stay on good terms with you DP, crew and actors.
And finally, the more practice you have making films, just as in driving, the better and more confident you will become. And don’t be afraid to ask for directions, you may just discover that you are on the right track.

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