Find my fit – OER search

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Kendra Allen (@Kendra)

Number of views: 237

Some of my students have not had enough experience writing professional emails or having somebody tell them their emails are unprofessional. This is something I cover to varying degrees with my students regardless of semester.

I could not easily find interactive and relatively short resources using MOM, MERLOT or CORE. Some also did not have functioning resources or had links that no longer worked correctly.

Using the OASIS referatory and search “writing emails” I was directed to Wisconsin’s Technical College OER site Wisc-Online, where I found

“writing effect business emails” which consists of 15 slides with voice over, text for the narration and an interactive review at the end. It is also CC-BY

Using eCampusOntario Open Library repository and search “email” (I used “writing emails” first but it didn’t like that) I found several options for helping my students improve their email writing skills. One I liked, although I had to play at 1.5x speed was an interactive H5P video with closed captioning option, called “Communicating Through Email”

by Victoria Wylie, support Officer at Mohawk with Reuse and Embed options.