Find Your Fit

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Jenn Harren (@j_harren)

Number of views: 371  This is a link to a Human Resources Management OER textbook I located on the eCampusOntario Open Library website.  I was specifically looking for resources on Recruitment and Selection though there are two chapters dedicated to these topics.  What I like is that I could include the link, my students could read to chapters online, and I can supplement the course with other readings.  I can use just the chapters I want and learners don’t get additional chapters (like they would in a paper textbook) that are not reliant/necessary, etc.  I found this TedTalk on OASIS.  I love Ted Talks and I believe this are well liked by students.  It’s nice sometimes to have audio & video and not just read content.  This Ted Talk  is from Nov 2020 so very up to date and under 5 minutes.  All great aspects for students (and professors:)) looking for quick, relevant info.  These are professor PP slides from a class on Strategic Human Resources Management.  I found this OER at MIT Open Courseware and thought is was a really cool resource to find slides already created that could apply to topics I teach.

One Response to “Find Your Fit”

  1. Alissa Bigelow

    These are wonderful resources Jenn. Picking & choosing parts of OER is great and mitigates some of the information overload our students need to sift through.
