Find your fit – for a cross cultural elective with experiential learning in Tanzania

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Renee Berquist (@rberquist)

Number of views: 99

I started my search with the Nursing (Montgomery College site = and for some reason I could not get it to load on my computer. So I then went to open cutlure. I am looking for information for a new course Cross cultural elective = with an experiential learing component to Tanzania. I have taught a similar elective in the past, but this is new and I am hoping to add resources, and also increase the academic rigour expected of the students taking this course.

So then I went to OASIS

First search terms were culture and Tanzani = 0 results

So I just put in Tanzania and I got 57 results for open access books, 2 videos and 1 course material. I will be able to find some readings to assign using the open access books which I have never looked at before. I have been contemplating and looking at textbooks students would have to purchase so this has been a terrific exercise for me.

For readings there is a book called “Learning from Resilience Strategies in Tanzania” that I may be able to assign several chapters. Chapter 2 – The socio-economic impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on women and girls in Tanzania; Ch. 4 Multinational enterprises and local supply chains: Prospects on poverty reduction, Trust and sustainability. I need to review these more closely. There is another book called “Silent Violence: Global Health, Malaria and Child Survival in Tanzania” – that I may be able to use for the Global health module in the course.

There is a video on improving women’s health in Tanzania that is  a little over 7 minutes long that is fantastic. That is what I have linked here.

The talk overview is: The Medical Women Association of Tanzania (MEWATA) strives to improve the health of women in Tanzania. They conduct campaigns to educate and screen women for breast and cervical cancer and advocate for necessary treatment. By encouraging girls to study science in school, they also build for the future.

Medical Women Association of Tanzania (MEWATA): Improving Women’s Health in Tanzania

Example for "Find your fit – for a cross cultural elective with experiential learning in Tanzania":

Medical Women Association of Tanzania (MEWATA): Improving Women’s Health in Tanzania

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