Find Your Fit –> MRI in Radiation Therapy

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Rahul Mohla (@rmohla)

Number of views: 148

Open educational resource repositories were utilized to provide extra resources to the learners regarding MRI Linacs. This is a novel topic within radiation therapy and the field is rapidly advancing to better utilize the advantages of MRI within the treatment of our cancer patients. You can find below how the OER’s were utilized to provide additional resources for our students:


  1. OASIS or Openly Available Sources Integrated Search:

Search: deep learning AND MR Linac AND radiation therapy

eBook of a collection of articles, including one discussing the use of MRI in the Radiation Therapy setting:

Please see attached file for additional information.


  1. Disciple Specific Repositories à Mathematics and Sciences: University of Colorado at Boulder:

Search: MRI AND radiation therapy

Simulation of how an MRI image is created:

Please see attached file for additional information.


  1. Mason OER Metafinder (MOM)

Search: MRI AND brachytherapy

Article the utilization of MRI in tumour evaluation prior to treatment

Please see attached file for additional information.