Find your fit – Open Educational Resources (OER) Activity

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Charlotte de Araujo (@cdearauj)

Number of views: 259

I used general repositories to search for potential OER.  After reviewing the various resources, I selected the following OERs to support my learners’ understanding related to introductory concepts in genomics.  I liked that the resources complemented the lecture and textbook readings. In particular I found Merlot and MIT Open Courseware relevant for my courses.  I would include them to provide a different way to present the content:


This video could be used to supplement content related to genome sequencing for a genomics course or an introductory to biology course.

MIT Open Courseware

This assignment could be used as a template for a genomics course or alternatively an introductory to biology course.

In particular, lecture 19, has some images explaining introductory genomics concepts, which I would like to reference for future course offerings.