“Hotel Mini Bar”

A response to the Consider This Activity
created by Mohammad Al Mamun (@mamunca2012)

Number of views: 128

Image Citation:

Jimmy Emerson, DVM. (2007, May 16). Smallest Church in 48 States. Flickr. Creative Commons.

Image Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/auvet/508621357/in/photolist-2nbr7oP-aSyi1i-2oKRb8P-22j9d4C-8Riez-6rQnQb-eL1Kvo-8Tp5vN-2kXXA2A-2mqdu6W-2mP5NGF-5Gf9Qm-8Tmbxk-2pd25UZ-8TpjBE-2hVaFvJ-8Tma2r-AVJog9-PBAA6d-35xku8-4xVQry-2oaeGfP-2hEMpAf-25YGrGE-2n9959N-HS2p6e-uWhfDu-2ofuzHh-24XgSX3-QjneRZ-5VPSg-9zsYM2-2ngRkPN-kZHtGF-6J41mY-Tz6tYQ-rbhuqb-LWPpK-TeC3KQ-U6S6vE-CTkSEt-2oAsqbN-6mqvcd-8TkSqX-bhAD6M-8Tpiuj-8TpaTw-m1Uhud-7Jj68K-5Qv1G5

The image hotel mini bar is an essential part of hotel room amenities which is provided by many 5-star hotels. From this mini bar picture students can learn visually what products should contain inside the mini bar for hotel guest uses- such as- chocolate, mini wine, can beer, snacks, mini liquor, pops etc.

Why student should know application for the mini bar –

– Revenue generation, guest satisfaction, brand image, overall guest satisfaction


Showing a hotel mini bar picture which will enhance for students’ real-life scenarios -how mini bar looks like and their function to keep guest satisfaction and their need and wants based on various hotel functions. without recognizing any confusion.

Search Strategy:

Keywords: Hotel Mini Bar

Boolean Operators: I used quotation marks to search for the exact phrase “Mini Bar’ Presentation and Image” to ensure more relevant results.

Overall, Hotel Mini Bar can reflect overall hotel experience as well as somehow community engagement. Moreover, guest has diverse range of options/choices