How is Learning Learning?

A response to the Learner Challenge Activity
created by David Stapley (@teacherdavids)

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Since returning from China and being a subject teacher I have changed hats and in Canada have been mainly tagged as an economics or accounting instructor (where my strengths really are?).  I have found that these two courses are where many students struggle based on feedback from students over the last 5 years. Subject courses (I have taught) such as Organizational Behaviour and various logistics courses seem to have more of a fit with learners as activities like case studies and personal experience/personality analysis seem to fit better with learners. I have used some online course activities in accounting and economics and based on feedback from students, many found these a useless learning tool. Accounting required a certain format  and both accounting and economics offered a choice from a pulldown menu which they felt did not accommodate the learning in these courses as they had hoped. Based on this interaction and questioning of students I have begun to wonder if technology is really the answer. I did speak with some of the accounting instructors about going back to a “paper-based” system for accounting. However, did not follow up as I now just have an “economics instructor” label on my back. Recently, speaking with someone that still teaches accounting I have found that that is exactly what the college has done… gone with a paper-based type system for learning. This is something I have also introduced to my economics courses and have had positive feedback from students regarding the materials. So the question is… “Is technology the answer for all courses?” Based on my experience as an instructor for over 15 years I am beginning to believe that sometimes “paper and pencil” may be the better way for some subjects.