I am an Experimenter

A response to the I’m an Experimenter! Activity
created by Valerie McQueen (@Vmcqueen)

Number of views: 151

  1. Which three experimenter activities did you choose to complete and why?

I completed 3 different activities as part of the experimenter module.


The first was the Virtual Field Trip.  I used Google Earth to map the location in one of the case studies I teach.  I will use this in class to help the students situate themselves and understand the ramifications of the road being washed out, as that is a core part of the case study.


The second activity I chose to do was the More than Quizzes activity.  I created a quiz in Quizlet.  The quiz will be used to support teaching SMART goals in my classroom.  I chose this as I’m looking at different ways to engage learners, including Kahoot, and Blooket, and thought Quizlet might also be worth exploring.


The final activity I chose was the Surveying activity.  I like the idea of feedback and chose to survey for this purpose.  I used MS Forms, as that is freely available to me with the college’s MS 365 subscription.

2. Identify and explain three overall lessons learned from experimenting with these three activities. How might you use these activities going forward in your teaching practice?

From lessons learned perspective in terms of experimenting with teaching and tools, I learned three things.

First, it is important to look at different sources.  I would not have tried Quizlet due to the paid subscription, but it does offer some nice options, such as photo-based quiz creation, that aren’t available in other tools.

Second, I learned that looking into the capabilities vs costs of the various tools available is important before investing too much time.  Many of the tools are paid subscriptions and over time, would end up costing a substantial amount.

Finally, I learned to go back and look for new features in tools I’ve used before.  I never considered Sketch-up for making Giffs for any purpose other than slides, and I didn’t know that MS forms supported dynamic backgrounds.


3 .You were asked to complete at least one experimenter activity on a tablet or a smartphone.

I created MS forms on my phone.  I don’t think I would do that again, but I would rather test on the phone.  It was nice to be able to edit the form anywhere, but I found it somewhat awkward.

I’ll use the QR code and surveys that I can create in MS forms to solicit feedback from my students using their mobile phones for the final group project presentations in my class.  I believe that all students have phones, but if anyone doesn’t have access to a device, they will be able to use their laptops as well.

Using a mobile device, camera, or screencasting software highlighted in the Online lecture toolkit to create a short 2-3 minute video of yourself illustrating how, when designing learning experiences in the future, you will use the technologies, ideas, formats, and/or approaches that you experimented with in this module.

      • Include an example of how you would incorporate this new knowledge into a lesson plan. Get as creative as you wish!
      • Upload your video to YouTube , Vimeo , or any other video hosting site that can create a public link to your video (or keep it private/unlisted if you like).
      • Include the link for your video in your reflection document.
  • After you make your submission, save the web address to your response (found in the green confirmation box) so you can use it later for your badge submission form. 

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Example for "I am an Experimenter":