It’s Alive!

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Jenn Harren (@j_harren)

Number of views: 346

Lesson Plan

Course Code: MGMT 6043

Course Name: Recruitment Strategy and Selection


Total Time for Lesson: ½ hour online

Topic/Title of Lesson: Using Google Docs to collaborate in group/pair work
Purpose of Lesson: get hands on with Google Docs in the online classroom and understand this is a great tool to help with group work
Lesson Learning Objectives Relevant Course Learning Outcome(s) from CIS
·  Discuss the function of Google Docs

·  Recognize the use of Google Docs in and outside the classroom setting

·  Get hands on an try to use a Google Doc during class

·       Utilize a job analysis to confirm the skills and competencies required for a variety of positions.

·       Develop and analyze valid assessment tools that will determine the suitability of prospective employees.

·       Ensure that human rights and labour laws are adhered to during the selection process.

·       Develop a recruitment strategy to identify qualified applicants

·       Evaluate potential sources of qualified applicants

·       Create and develop an outreach and advertising strategy to attract qualified applicants

·       Develop and incorporate the Internet and other evolving technologies into the recruitment process.


Teaching and Learning Activities

·       I will briefly introduce Google Docs, then share the link of the created Doc in the chat function of Zoom during an online class

·       Students will answer questions to review content talked about in the online lecture

·       Afterward, I will introduce the Pairs Assignments and share how the Google Doc can help them with collaboration and accountability


Pairs Assignments (3 parts) 25% of total mark