It’s Alive!

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Heather Somerville (@hsomerville)

Number of views: 179

It’s Alive!

  • My original problem was that I had hard time convincing students to buy into activities that weren’t directly for marks. I believe a solution to this problem may be to have assignments that require the use of technology and tools outside the classroom. This way students begin to build the study habits and digital literacy needed for nursing or other advanced programs but it’s not always happening during class time. Tools that might be helpful for this is asking them to create a quizlet of terms or their own Kahoots outside of class in order to study and make that process for grades.
  • The learner challenge was that was my students were only motivated to participate when grades were directly associated. I can empathize with students not wanting to waste their time in class. They’re feeling overwhelmed already.
  • I have prototyped ideas that involve them using tools like Kahoot, Quizlet, or even AI to generate study materials. In assigning this now, I hope to create beneficial study skills using technology that will pay off later.
  • I will try this as an activity with my communications students before their next test in their science courses. This also creates an opportunity for cross-curricular collaboration.

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